Sunday, December 09, 2007


This is an amazing city. I had a personal tour
with my friend Tomas Rivas, who is from Chile
and lives in Santiago but was once a Notre Dame
MFA student. Yesterday was a perfect day, nice
dry heat and super clear- something that isn´t
too common during the week b-c of pollution.

Santiago sits in a natural basin, so I think
the air just hangs here and there are not a lot
of winds.

Tomas showed me around parts of Santiago, we saw
some art and museums and then had some great food
later in the evening. It´s always awesome to have
some local insights, so I was thankful for the time
Tomas took to show off his city.

I am about to catch a bus to the airport with the tour
company and then we fly to the very tip of South America,
an Argentinian city- Ushaia, where we will get on the
cruise ship and head to the long awaited Antarctica!

This might be a part one and then part two blog, when I get
back, that will be part two, don´t think there will be much
email on the ship!